
Monday, February 13, 2012

{A Milestone}

I turned 30 last week.  That's right, 30. 3-0.  In all honesty, I thought turning 30 would be a lot harder for me to deal with.  I thought I would be sad at the very mention of my birthday, or that I would cringe any time someone brought up the fact that I was no longer going to be a twenty-something.
For me, there has been something very empowering about turning 30.  I'm not sad, I'm not depressed, I'm not panicking about all the things that aren't like I thought they would be when I hit this age.  I've been reflective - thankful for all the people who have blessed my life thus far, and strangely thankful for the situations (good and bad) that have brought me to where I am today.

Theodore Roosevelt said "Comparison is the thief of joy."  Isn't that the truth?  I have spent most of my life comparing myself to my friends and other people my age.  When everyone started to graduate college I still had a year left - thanks to some not-so-great decisions.  When everyone started getting married I was still just dating Josh.  It seemed everyone was finding great jobs, buying houses, having babies.  I have always wanted to be 10 steps ahead of my current situation in life.  I've never really taken the time to just be happy and content with where I am.  I've never slowed down long enough to just enjoy my current circumstances and be thankful for everything God has given me.

When I said that turning 30 has been rather empowering, I meant it!  The past couple of years have brought some tough lessons, some wonderful surprises and some incredible blessings.  I think the most important thing I have learned is just to simply trust God.  I have learned to let go of the plans I have made for myself.  I have learned that what God has in store for me is exponentially greater than anything I could imagine.  Faith is tricky.  It isn't just knowing that God can handle what's happening in my life - of course He CAN!  It's believing that He WILL.  It has taken me 30 years to come to that realization, but I'm so glad I've arrived at this destination!

What's so scary about a little more wisdom and a little more life experience?  What's so terrible about a certain number - be it 30, 40 or even 60 (right, mom?!)?  It's all under control.  Everything is in good hands.

Below are some photos from a few of my childhood birthdays.

       With my dad the day I was born.  Apparently, back in the day, anytime anyone held a new baby in the hospital they had to suit up in a gown. 

A Polaroid shot through the nursery window.  1 day old.

        1st Birthday - I think this looks just like baby B!  2nd Birthday - My Nanny made the most awesome birthday cakes!!

       4th Birthday - Rainbow Brite!                             3rd Birthday - my love of monorgams was born ;)

       5 years old.                                                    3 years old.

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