
Thursday, October 27, 2011

{Buzz & Woody}

Hey, Howdy, Hey!  Miss O is obsessed with Toy Story.  I mean, OBSESSED!  Every morning when she wakes up, the first thing she asks is to watch "Buzz & Woody".  She picks out every Toy Story cereal, fruit snack, and cracker at the grocery store and asks to take it home.  She has Toy Story (Christmas) pajamas, and she somehow manages to spy every piece of Toy Story memorabilia when we're out in public.  She even carries tiny little Toy Story "friends" around with her almost everywhere we go.

These seven little "friends" have become a part of our family.  We are always searching the house for one of them, because apparently it's pretty tough to keep track of all of them at once.  Miss O usually holds onto Jessie and Buzz and gives Woody to whoever is playing with her.    

Slinky Dog, Rex, Jessie, Bullseye, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, & Hamm

When we're out doing some shopping or running errands, O will stop and say "Yodle-ay-he-hooo!  Jessie's calling me!"  That's usually my cue to finish up what we're doing and head home for some good old fashioned play time.  I love that!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

{The Mullet}

Everyone knows that baby hair can be very hard to manage.  Baby B was born with a head full of dark brown hair, just like her sister.  When she wakes up from naps it is usually, literally standing on end and full of tangled knots and snarls. 

Lately, we've noticed a very rockin' baby mullet starting to appear.  When Miss O's hair grew like that, I wanted no part in trying to trim that fine, baby hair.  I was adamant that it should grow however it wanted.  Baby B wasn't so lucky.  I happily took out a pair of scissors and chopped that bad boy off.  I guess that's what happens with the second child.  Sorry, B!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

{Sleeping Through the Night}

From the day we brought B home from the hospital she has been sleeping in a Moses basket by the side of our bed.  It was convenient and comforting to have her so close as a newborn.  We could hear all the sweet baby coos and cries.  I could play the obsessive and neurotic mother, checking to make sure she was still breathing every 20 minutes.  You know how it goes.  But, like they say, all good things must come to an end.  Over the past month or so, we have slowly been making the transition from our bedside to her own crib.

I read a book by Dr. Jodi Mindell called "Sleeping Through the Night", which was very helpful when it came to sleep training for Miss O.  In all honesty, though, I never really made it very far into the book because O was such a good sleeper to begin with.  She quickly took to the very first method mentioned in the book and has been a terrific sleeper ever since.  Even as an almost 3 year old she still naps for a good 3 hours each afternoon and gets a full 12 hours of sleep each night.  My mommy friends with toddlers usually hate me for this!

B took a little more work, and I had to read a little more of Dr. Mindell's trusty book, but she is slowly starting to sleep for good stetches through the night.  Lately she's been going down around 8 or 9:00pm and sleeping until 5 or 6:00am in the morning!  Anyway, one of the baby steps we took to get B to sleep in her own crib was to put her in the Moses basket, which was comfortable and familiar, inside her crib.  Unfortunatley, B is growing so fast that she is just too long for the Moses basket anymore!  It takes her forever to get comfortable and she almost always ends up with her face smashed against the side of the basket (which scares the daylights out of me) and one arm up, holding herself in her favorite position.

I think it's time to get rid of the Moses basket. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

{Cotton Candy}

Lately at our house, little Miss O has been saying that everything tastes and smells like cotton candy.  I think I can attribute this most recent obsession to my mother, who LOVES cotton candy.  O got her first taste of the sweet, sticky stuff when my mom requested we bring her back a bag from the Madison County Fair.  She, of course, shared her yummy treat with O and ever since then, cotton candy has been on the forefront of her mind.

In the morning her yogurt tastes like cotton candy.  She loves to play with, and count the cupcake wrappers in the pantry and those always smell like cotton candy.  Prunes taste like cotton candy.  Her fresh apple cider at the Cider Mill tasted like cotton candy.  Even her freshly laundered blanket with her "taggies" smelled like cotton candy right out of the dryer.  This kid has such an imagination! 

I'm hoping to use this blog to share small, every day anecdotes and photos with those of you who want to read about them.  We are so far away from many of our friends and family, it seems like a good way to keep everyone up to date.  These kiddos are growing so fast!  I have made it my mission to take more photos and document the small things, the big things, and everything in between. 

On a completely unrelated note, I took a few photos of the girls today and thought I'd share. 
Enjoy your weekend!