
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

{The At-Home Water Park}

We have had some very HOT spring days here in Kansas City.  When my great friend, Tricia, asked us girls if we wanted to come play in the water at her house we were definitely ready for some fun in the sun.
The big kids had the best time running around the back yard playing on the slip-n-slide, wading in the little pool, and B even got in on some of the action, splashing around in the water table!
It is days like that one that make me so glad I stay at home with my girls.  Tricia and I sunning our pasty white legs (I'll speak for myself on that one - Tricia is not in need of a tan.  I am!), watching our kids enjoy the warmer than usual weather and wearing themselves out to ensure an early bedtime that night.
Yay for summer!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

{Happy Birthday, Brynn!}

Happy Birthday to a little girl who has filled our lives with so much joy and happiness.  A little girl who has taught us to be patient, how to share, and who made our little family feel complete.
Happy Birthday to my feisty, non-stop, ball of energy, baby Brynn!
You are so special to us, and you are so loved!

Monday, May 14, 2012

{One More Month...}

My little Brynn is 11 months old.  She will turn one on May 24th!
Not only is this hard for me to wrap my mind around, but it also makes me a little sad.  She is my baby.  My little one.  And when I look at her now, she's not such a baby anymore.  She's cruising all over, babbling, saying a few simple words, signing, and is so, so active!
It sounds so cliche to say it, and I know mothers say it all the time, but time has really flown!

Here's what B has been working on this month:
1.  She is constantly babbling, "talking", singing, and making some kind of noise.  She will say "mama", "dada", and "baba" and she's working on simple words like "up".
2.  She is cruising all over the place!  She has been brave enough a few times to let go of what she's holding onto for support, but when she realizes what she's done she crumples to the floor.  
3.  We call her "tornado Brynn" because she leaves a path of destruction in her wake wherever she goes.  We never had to worry about this with Olivia!
4.  She will put anything into her mouth that she finds on the floor including, but not limited to:  bugs, dog food, string, fuzz, dog hair, dog food, old cheerios, diapers, dog food, dog bones, and dust bunnies.  It's disgusting.
5.  She loves music and loves to listen to me or Liv sing to her.  If she's crying, she stops cold, and listens to whoever is singing to her. 
6.  She's drinking cow's milk and eating just about anything we eat.  She still gets her bottles, but she likes to try new things.  She LOVES cereal. 
7.  She hoards food in her little hands.  When I put something on her high-chair tray, she'll pick all of it up and squirrel it away in her hands.  
8.  When someone leaves she will wave goodbye, she claps for herself constantly, shakes her head "no" a LOT, and gives the sloppiest open-mouth kisses.
9.  Olivia has been working with her on baby sign language.  She can say "milk" and "more" really well.  She's almost got "please" and "mommy" & "daddy".  

Before I know it, Brynn is going to be a walking, talking, bona-fide toddler.  I'm sooo not ready for that yet. Until these next big milestones happen I'm enjoying the day-to-day with my baby:  rocking, playing, and cuddling whenever I can get the chance.  What a blessing Brynn has been to our family!

Friday, May 4, 2012

{Shrimp Boil}

Recently, we were fortunate enough to get to spend some time with Josh's aunts, uncles, and cousins. Sunday dinner used to a big thing with the Kansas City crew, but over time we've all become very busy  We've had kids, moved to new houses, and adjusted to a plethora of situations life has thrown at us over the past 7 years (Can you believe we have lived here for almost 7 years?!).  So, when the time comes that we can congregate in one place for an evening we are always up for it!
Kurt & Charlotte moved (again) and just finished with the bulk of their renovations on their new home.  They hosted a shrimp boil and we all got to hang out, have a drink, and enjoy some DELICIOUS food!  It was just like you see in the movies.  Mounds of gigantic shrimp, corn on the cob, smoked sausage, andouille, and red potatoes spread across the table.  Shrimp is one of my very favorite things to eat, so I wasted no time chowing down on that delicious fare.  Yummy!
Family is a funny thing.  I feel extremely blessed to have Josh's aunts and uncles so close.  They are a tight knit group and that's a wonderful thing to be a part of.  The kids all play so well together!  I love the fact that Olivia has her "cousins" to play with and grow up with.  I love that Kurt & Charlotte's youngest is only a year older than Liv.  I love that Ashley and I had babies around the same time and we can watch our kids be friends.  I love how helpful, careful, and nurturing Sophia is with both Olivia and Brynn.
I am just very grateful for the loving family environment in which my kids get to grow up.
I snapped just a few pictures of the Olivia & Ellie playing and thought I'd share them with you.
How lucky are we?

P.S.  A BIG 'thank you' to Kurt & Charlotte for hosting us!  Can't wait to do it again :)